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Sessions  + Services


 However you got here, thank you for being here. I warmly welcome you into my space and I am humbled at the prospect of having the opportunity to work with you in a one-on-one virtual container.


My name is Jennelle.


Let me tell you a little about my energy to see if we're a good match to work together. 

In astrology, I'm a Taurus Sun, with a Sagitarrius Moon and a Cancer Rising AND Stellium that makes me grounded, passionate, expressive and every flavor of extra sensory, "clair-," sensitivity lit up like a Christmas tree. I'm a 5/1 Projector here to expose the truth, my authority in Human Design is that of the Self. My natural state is tuning into the energy around me so I can reflect and learn something about the Self. 


So, you may be wondering - what are these offerings and sessions all about? Or what could the crystals possibly have to say about a very *human* situation I'm currently trying to navigate?! Well, crystals aren't going to make your decisions for you; and no, moldavite won't ruin your life.  But what crystals have is a mastery of energy + frequency embodiment and management. And I bet getting to the energetic core of a very *human* situation could shine a light of awareness and insight into how to navigate said situation.


We often hear "everything is energy" but, for me, it wasn't until I could physically experience, feeling, connecting, and exploring the multitudes of energies and frequencies that crystals have, did I truly start to understand the sentiment of that quote. Crystals are a physical representation or representative or steward of the Earth we collectively live on. They are bringing life, energy, and wisdom into our physical and energetic home while on this shared home.... 


We have so much that we can learn from Nature. We have lost our harmony with Nature and in turn with the most essential parts of Nature and of our Self. We may be getting all the signs and not recognizing them or getting bombarded with signs and not knowing how to translate them. Crystals are a bridge between energy and physical just as they are a bridge for us to reconnect with Nature. 


I see, work with and hold crystals a an extremely high esteem - they, to me  but they empower us and put the energy in our hands to decide if we  want to see them as a "pretty rock" or if we want to be a student and learn to work in harmony with nature, as is intended, to have it inspire us to use it as a tool, teacher, conduit, healer, guide, amplifier, protector, and magnifier. Do you dare tap into the power? Do you dare explore the troves of wisdom from their hundreds of thousands to millions of years they have called Earth "home"?  Do we want to learn more about we are on a more expansive level?

I have been gifted the name "crystal telepathy" by the crystalline queendom to "put a name" to how I can communicate with crystals. But this isn’t limited to just me -- crystals have a special kind of perspective, wisdom and enthusiastically share it with anyone willing to open to receive the frequencies of the crystalline queendom. 



Through many years of studying the energies of the crystalline queendom, studying the energy of the cosmos, the energy of the home (feng shui), and working with the Akashic Records, I am pleased to provide the four services below. I strive to provide depth, clarity, wisdom, and expertise to help you feel seen, supported, guided and held on your journey. 

xo Jennelle 

Crystal Telepathy Readings
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One hour, one-on-one Zoom session delivering all the messages the crystalline queendom has for you.

You may bring as many questions as you'd like to ask the crystals.

This a completely unique offering as Jennelle has the rare gift of crystal telepathy and can translate any and all messages the crystals have into words.

Crystals communicate through frequency which Jennelle tunes into telepathically. The crystals gave her the term "Crystal Telepathy" because it is like a conversation, taking various forms but mainly through  words, pictures, chakras, emotions, or subtle body cues. Jennelle discovers new ways of communication often, and has worked with and possesses a range of over 200 crystal varieties embodying myriad diversity of energies, frequencies, messages, history and wisdom. 

As a result, the session can also bring you into deeper connection and understanding with your crystals, how to care for them, how to build a relationship with them, learn how they "talk" and empower you to use the tools the crystal queendom has to offer and is being entrusted to you with confidence and respect. 

At the barest of miminums, the crystal teleapthy reading will be personalized and deep-diving. Jennelle and the crystals are here to remind you that you are supported, to offer guidance, and to feel wholly seen. 

Natal Report Reading
Crystal Telepathy Consult 
Astonomical Clock

One hour, one-on-one Zoom session exploring your Astrological Natal Chart. Jennelle will run your Natal Chart and discuss themes, patterns and insight into the snapshot of the cosmic energy at the moment of your birth.

We will then explore what crystals compliment your unique energy blueprint and the messages they have for you. You are free to ask as many questions to the crystals or cosmos as you'd like. 

We can also look at the collective astrology and couple crystals that resonate with the cosmic energies and your energy. 

This session will leave you feeling seen, illuminated and empowered with unconditional love and acceptance for yourself! The crystals look forward to exploring your unique energy and how they can support you. 


Requirements: must know and provide your date of birth, time of birth, and location of birth.  

Akashic Records
Old Fashioned Library

One hour, one-on-on Zoom session with Jennelle. We will access, open and explore the. Akashic Records -- your records! The Akashic Records is an eternal library of light that is the keeper of all that ever was. It holds everything. 

We can explore your past lives, gifts you have, energetic imprints carried over from past lives, and a deeper understanding Self in the context of your current life and the fullness of your eternal self. 


Unlike any other Akashic Reading you've ever had, we'll simultaneously be using the crystals to provide distance energy healing.

When we fold the illusion of time, we see we have the power in the present moment to shift, break unconscious patterning, and embody energy aligned to your God-given sovereignty and freedom.  Simply, we can heal. It is possible. It is also your divine birthright. 

The crystals have volunteered to help us to unlock that divine remembrance of forgotten energies and frequencies. Warning: you will likely leave the session seeing, loving and accepting of the entirety of your Being!


Recommendation: Clear your schedule for at least 30 minutes after the session for rest and integration from the energy work. 

Feng Shui x
Crystal Telepathy Consult
Modern Interior Design

One hour, one-on-one Zoom session. This consultation will be with the crystals in your home, the energetic of your home, and how to harmonize the two. We can also work on creating crystal grids or altars that are intentionally programmed to amplify the existing energy center placements in your home.

Our home is our exterior temple and often reflects energetics of our interior temple. Imagine how it could feel to to have your home pulsing with free-flowing, optimal, restorative, frequencies that replenishes and compliments your energy. 

We can also discuss energies, frequencies, clearing techniques and tools that you and your home would benefit from. 

If you feel called to buy a crystal in CQ's inventory after your session, a portion of the reading will be applied as a complimentary discount.*


Requirement:  Must have at least one crystal in your home for this session to be as effective as it's intended. 


If you would like a consultation on a crystal purchase (whether it's your first or your 4,444th addition)  please email



*Discount equal to 10% of the cost of the reading if

purchase is placed no later than 30-days after the date of the session 

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